Frequently Asked Questions

This section should help answer the most commonly asked questions that students have. If what you want to know is not written down here, please contact us via [email protected].

Q: What are the the entry requirements to study at Rednock Sixth Form?
A: You will need at least 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English and Maths.  For A level courses you will need a grade 5 in the subject you have chosen (some subjects vary – see individual subject information). For vocational qualifications you will need a grade 4.  

Q: Can I change my choice of courses after I’ve applied?
A: Yes. You can manage your application online and make any necessary changes.  You will also have the opportunity to meet with a member of the Sixth Form or Senior Leadership Team to discuss your application and receive further advice about your choices.  You may also make changes once you’ve received your results in August.  

Q: I’m not a current Rednock student; can I come and visit to see what it’s like?
A: Yes, we’d be delighted to show you round and answer any questions you have about our Sixth Form.  We have a growing number of students who have studied for their GCSEs elsewhere and who have made a wonderful contribution to our vibrant community.   Please get in touch via [email protected] to book a visit, or join us for our Open Evening on 28th November 2024 from 5.00pm-7.30pm.   

Q: What support is available to students in the Sixth Form? 
A: There is lots of support available to students in the Sixth Form.  Your form tutor will support you with mentoring and advice throughout your time in Sixth Form, alongside the wider Sixth Form team who are always on hand to offer support and guidance.  We have a full time Study Supervisor (Mrs Allen) who offers 1-1 support with study skills, next steps and applications as well as general pastoral support throughout the day.  You can also access services such as counselling and the School Nurse as a Sixth Form student.  

Q: What is the Sixth Form dress code?
A: Information about the dress code can be found here.

Q: Is there any financial support available?  
A: Yes. Sixth Form students can apply for a means tested bursary for support with costs such as bus fares, books and school trips. Further information can be found here.

Q: Where can I get answers to any other questions I have?  
A: Please email [email protected] if you have any further questions and we will be happy to help.