Rednock School offers comprehensive and supportive provision for our students with special educational needs.
SEND Provision at Rednock School
Miss Samantha Chinnock is our SENDCO. She has taken on a lead role in working with all stakeholders on improving the outcomes of our students with special educational needs and disabilities.
We have a skilled and experienced team of teaching assistants who are effectively deployed to support student needs to maximum effect. Students and parents / carers have told us that they feel supported, especially with the transition from Primary to Secondary.
The SEND provision has been praised by outside agencies, including Ofsted.
We welcome prospective students and parents / carers to visit the school during the working day to see for themselves. It is important that you see the school demonstrating that “Everyone Matters”.
We have recently set up a dedicated SEND email for enquiries: [email protected]
Please find below copies of our Provision, Local Offer and SEND Policy. Please note, these documents are currently under review.
Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report