The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is a place for students to engage with their own research and independently grasp their learning using the resources available to them such as the library, computer workstations, classroom space and a quiet space to work.
The LRC is open 8:30am – 4:00pm, Monday – Friday for all students, providing they follow the LRC behaviour code outlined below. The LRC is open and available during most lunch and break times as well as during lesson time for use with their subject classes. During certain lunchtimes clubs and events are held and the LRC is not available to certain students.
Monday Lunchtime: All Students
Tuesday Lunchtime: All Students
Wednesday Lunchtime: Chess Club and All Students
Thursday Lunchtime: KS4/KS5 Students Only (Years 10, 11, 12 & 13)
Friday Lunchtime: Reading Club Only
The students have access to a vast variety of resources, both internal and external, through the books available, internet subscriptions and guidance from the staff. Some of the external resources are available outside of the school, links to these and access information is shown below;
The Day – The Day weekly newsletter is a great reading resource for students and families to access at home
My Dynamic Learning
Remote Book Ordering
You can now search the LRC catalogue and request books via the Internet;
Online catalogue: http://lrc.rednock.gloucs.sch.uk/
Request Books: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_6eyH7SeOweE_lXDJOHEkIoocgCtXDQrwvuuc2-1ky0/edit?usp=sharing_eilts=5f917563