Applications for 2024/2025 Prefects are now closed.
Being a prefect means you are in a leadership position, so some good traits to have include being independent, reliable, organised and being able to cooperate with others. As a prefect, you will be able to make contributions to the school environment and help come up with new ideas for the student body to enjoy. Being able to put the role of prefect on your sixth form or college applications also shows that you are able to lead a team and make strong decisions, which can help you get into the field you want. Being part of a team can also help your communication skills and problem solving, which can help you out later in life.
Role Description
- To contribute to school improvement;
- To show and encourage leadership;
- To inspire, support and guide fellow students.
- To promote a community spirit of equality and respect;
- Promoting a safe school environment.
- To support staff in upholding the code of conduct and ethos of the school;
- To represent the student body and act as a role model.
1. One break duty a week;
2. LRC duty (this will not apply to all Prefects);
3. Challenge and report inappropriate behaviour whenever seen around the school;
4. Assist staff supporting the school community, both in and out of school;
5. Model good behaviour around the school.
Prefects on duty must report to the relevant member of staff at the start of the duty period. If a prefect misses a duty without good reason they will be reported to the Head Teacher who will respond with the appropriate sanctions. A prefect can be stripped of their post if there are repeated issues.